Center For Ocean Sciences Education Excellence COSEE Ocean Systems
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10/28/2010 | Michele Benoit, Bangor High School (Ocean Systems)
Tags: concept mapping, 07.28.10 webinar, educator post
Even as the oft-accepted notion of multiple-learning styles was called into question by a recent NY Times article ("Forget What You Know About Good Study Habits" by Benedict Carey, 09/06/2010), teachers infer that different students think differently, based on the questions they ask, how they assemble information, and misconceptions they hold. What's really neat is to see those differences revealed in the layout of their concept maps.  MORE >>

09/02/2010 | Medea Steinman, (Ocean Systems)
Tags: ROLE Model webinar, 07.28.10 webinar, 08.10.10 webinar
At COSEE-Ocean Systems we always want to know how participants feel about the activities, resources and events that we sponsor—if you’ve attended any of our events you’ve probably had direct experience with this through one of our Survey Monkey surveys! This is very important to our work and we appreciate the time people take to do these surveys because they’ve enabled us to collect so much valuable information about what is useful to educators and what direction we need to go in.  MORE >>

08/31/2010 | Michele Benoit, Bangor High School (Ocean Systems)
Tags: concept mapping, educator post, 07.28.10 webinar
Educator Michele Benoit (Bangor, ME) addresses challenges she experienced getting her students to make connections with science content.  MORE >>

08/20/2010 | Medea Steinman, (Ocean Systems)
Tags: ROLE Model Webinar, hydrothermal vents, oil spill, 08.10.10 webinar, 07.28.10 webinar
This summer, educators and other professionals from across the U.S. participated in online presentations by scientists on two fascinating topics: 1) oil spill impacts on the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem and 2) hydrothermal vent ecosystems. They also heard from educator-colleagues about ways to implement concept mapping in the classroom and in collaborative projects.  MORE >>

07/29/2010 | Carla Lauter, ODYSEA LLC (Ocean Systems)
Tags: ROLE model webinar, concept mapping, oil spill, 07.28.10 webinar
Throughout the past week, OS staff have been on the hunt to find interesting, scientifically-accurate items to add to the Ocean Climate Interactive database of assets on the topic of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexcio. We gathered some great images of the spill plume taken by various NASA satellites as they passed by, as well as some clear overview diagrams and maps produced by NOAA and others in their collaborative efforts to gather information to discover the best way to address the spill. Presenting scientists Karen Orcutt and Kjell Gundersen also shared some of their own assets with us, which we also uploaded for use in concept maps.  MORE >>