Center For Ocean Sciences Education Excellence COSEE Ocean Systems
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People are talking - webinar feedback
09/02/2010 | Medea Steinman, (Ocean Systems)
Tags: ROLE Model webinar, 07.28.10 webinar, 08.10.10 webinar

At COSEE-Ocean Systems we always want to know how participants feel about the activities, resources and events that we sponsor—if you’ve attended any of our events you’ve probably had direct experience with this through one of our Survey Monkey surveys! This is very important to our work and we appreciate the time people take to do these surveys because they’ve enabled us to collect so much valuable information about what is useful to educators and what direction we need to go in.

We thought you'd like to see who's attending the webinars and "hear" their reactions. We're excited about the diversity of locations (nine states!) and professions of webinar attendees. In addition to classroom teachers, webinar participants included informal educators, policy coordinators, consultants and graduate students.

map of participant locations for ROLE Model Webinars I & II

The combined attendance for the two webinars was 21 participants, 57% of whom provided the following feedback in post-webinar evaluations:

On Scientist Presentations: 100% said that the scientist presentations were “useful” or “very useful”, and also felt that the scientists’ presentation length was “just right.” 83% said that the discussion with scientists was “just right” but 17% said that they wanted more. 100% also said that they felt more comfortable with the topic than they had before, and 75% said they now feel the topic is more relevant to their own work. The difficulty level of the science content presented felt “just right” for 92% of participants.

Example map presented by a scientist (click for larger image):

Oil spill map
On Educator Presentations: 100% said that the educator presentations were “useful” or “very useful”, and also felt that the educators’ presentation length was “just right.”  100% also said that the discussion with educators was “just right.”  The amount of new learning and new content was “just right” for 83% of participants.  

Example maps presented by educators (click for larger image):

Map by Louise McMinn
Ted Taylor's student map
Quotes from workshop participants: “I enjoy learning straight from the people involved with the action being learned about; it really helps my students interest when we discuss concepts and I tell them that my knowledge comes from a scientist.”

“I found the scientists' concept map and use of assets really fun and it encouraged me to have my students use similar strategies to design more sophisticated concept maps.”

“Excellent evening with exciting information and wonderful Q & A. It is just a delight to be able to listen, to watch, and to ask questions of active scientists and get immediate feedback.”
Quotes from workshop participants:  “Concept mapping for students is a valuable tool, and seeing how the Maine teachers were able to use it with their students (wa)s helpful.”
“I already use concept maps, but I would like to incorporate the (COSEE-OS) site to make better maps and use more technology in different ways.  We already use (another software).  The website gives me options better equipped for my science classes.”
“I don't think it could have been any better except if I had all science teachers in my district online tonight with us.”

Thanks for your valuable feedback. We take your comments to heart and incorporate suggestions into future events. Keep it coming!

Remember--it's easy to participate in these webinars. All you need is a phone and a good Internet connection. If you'd like to receive our webinar announcements, please send your contact information to Carla Companion at

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