COSEE Ocean Systems: News
Interactive climate change and runoff effects alter O2 fluxes and bacterial community composition of coastal biofilms from the Great Barrier Reef
Description: Because microbial biofilms rapidly reflect environmental changes, the authors investigated the quantitative (C, N and chlorophyll a contents) and qualitative (microbial community composition) parameters and metabolic responses (O2 fluxes) of biofilms established on glass slides to combinations of manipulated water temperatures (26, 29 and 31°C), nitrate (0.5, 1.0 and 1.4 µM), and light availabilities (40 and 200 µmol photons m−2 s−1) in a 28 d flow-through aquarium experiment. [Source: Aquatic Microbial Ecology]
Availability: Summary
Source: Aquatic Microbial Ecology
Publish Date: 5/25/2012
Reading Level: Expert
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