COSEE Ocean Systems: News
Dyson Dots: Changing the solar constant to a variable with photovoltaic lightsails
Description: No study of coping with climate change is complete without considering geoengineering. Leveraging Tsiolkovsky's and Tsander's 1920s idea to use mirrors for space propulsion, Fuller's 1940s Dymaxion Grid, Glaser's 1970s study of solar power satellites, and Forward's 1970-90s concepts of "statites" and "Starwisps", the authors of this paper propose placing one or more large (Σarea=700 K km2) lightsail(s) in a radiation-levitated non-Keplerian orbit(s) just sunward of the Sun-Earth Lagrange-1 point. [Source: Acta Astronautica]
Availability: Summary
Source: Acta Astronautica
Publish Date: 2/1/2013
Reading Level: Expert
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