COSEE Ocean Systems: News
Debris in the deep: Using a 22-year video annotation database to survey marine litter in Monterey Canyon, central California, USA
Description: Little is known about the abundance, types, sources, and impacts of human refuse on the vast deep sea habitat. The extreme depths to which this debris is penetrating has only recently been exposed. The authors of this paper reviewed 1,149 video records of marine debris from 22 years of remotely operated vehicle deployments in Monterey Bay, covering depths from 25 m to 3,971 m. They characterized debris by type, examined patterns of distribution, and discussed potential sources and dispersal mechanisms. [Source: Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers]
Availability: Full Text
Source: Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers
Publish Date: 5/28/2013
Reading Level: Expert
Page Length: