COSEE Ocean Systems: News
Probabilistic reanalysis of twentieth-century sea-level rise
Description: The authors of this paper estimate twentieth-century global mean sea-level (GMSL) rise using probabilistic techniques, and find a rate of GMSL rise from 1901 to 1990 of 1.2 plus-minus 0.2 millimetres per year (90% confidence interval). Their analysis also indicates that GMSL rose at a rate of 3.0 plus-minus 0.7 millimetres per year between 1993 and 2010, consistent with prior estimates from tide gauge records. The increase in rate relative to the 1901-90 trend is accordingly larger than previously thought; this revision may affect some projections of future sea-level rise. [Source: Nature]
Availability: Summary
Source: Nature
Publish Date: 1/14/2015
Reading Level: Expert
Page Length: