COSEE Ocean Systems: News
Long-term biological effects of coastal hypoxia in Corpus Christi Bay, Texas, USA
Description: The authors studied long-term effects (14-19 years) of hypoxia by comparing the dynamics of communities of infauna collected by sediment cores and epifauna collected from trawls in and out of the hypoxic zone in Corpus Christi Bay. Although epifaunal diversity was lower in the hypoxic area for both infauna and epifauna, the long-term dynamics are different because species accumulation over time was similar between the two sites for epifauna, but very low for infauna in the hypoxic area. [Source: Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology]
Availability: Summary
Source: Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
Publish Date: 7/30/2009
Reading Level: Expert
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