Center for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence

List All Pages

Clicking on the List All Pages link under CONTENT PAGES on the Admin page brings up the List Content Pages page (see image at right). This page displays the content pages you have created for your website.

First order pages are identified by a solid black circle bullet (examples: About Us, Programs, Events). Unless these pages are hidden (example: Calendar), they are accessed by links in the horizontal navigation bar.

Second order pages are identified by an open black circle bullet (examples: WORKSHOPS, COLLEGE COURSES, OCEAN CLIMATE INTERACTIVE). Unless these pages are hidden, they are accessed by links in the vertical navigation bar that displays on the first order pages.

Third order pages (and so on) are identified by a solid black square bullet (examples: Educators Institute, Educator-Scientist Climate Change, Case Study No. 1). Unless these are hidden, they are accessed by links in the vertical navigation bar that displays on the second order pages (and so on).

Hidden pages do not display on navigation bars, but are accessed instead by links contained within the content pages.

Pages marked Pending have not yet been published to the website and are not visible to the public (example: xtest). This allows you to view your pages before posting.

To view a page and access the editing window, click on the name of the page (roll your mouse over the purple Tools link to see what would appear if you clicked on this link on the actual Admin page, or click here to view this page in a separate window).

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