Center For Ocean Sciences Education Excellence COSEE Ocean Systems
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* Primary COSEE Affiliation is BOLD

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Ocean Systems
Jennifer  Albright - Faculty - Marine Sciences
Jennifer Albright
Tabor Academy
Ocean Systems
Carrie  Armbrecht - Staff/Student
Carrie Armbrecht
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Susie  Arnold - Graduate Student
Susie Arnold
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
David  Avery - Assistant Professor in Residence
David Avery
University of Connecticut
Ocean Systems
Rita  Bell -
Rita Bell
Monterey Bay Aquarium
California | Ocean Systems
Michele  Benoit - Science Teacher
Michele Benoit
Bangor High School
Ocean Systems
Tina  Bishop - Academic Director
Tina Bishop
College of Exploration
California | West | Coastal Trends | Ocean Systems
Emmanuel  Boss - Professor
Emmanuel Boss
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
John  Bowie -
John Bowie
Gulf of Mexico Program Office
Gulf of Mexico | Ocean Systems
Laura  Brothers - Graduate Student
Laura Brothers
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Elizabeth  Burakowski - Graduate Student
Elizabeth Burakowski
University of New Hampshire
Ocean Systems
Beth  Campbell - Graduate Student
Beth Campbell
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Janet  Campbell - UNH PI, Research Professor
Janet Campbell
University of New Hampshire
Ocean Systems
Ivona  Cetinic - Post-Doc
Ivona Cetinic
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Fei  Chai - Professor
Fei Chai
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Perrin Cothran Chick - Education Director
Perrin Cothran Chick
Seacoast Science Center
Ocean Systems
Ryan Elizabeth Cope - Research Assistant
Ryan Elizabeth Cope
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Elizabeth  Day-Miller - Principal
Elizabeth Day-Miller
Bridgewater Education Consulting
Ocean Systems
Cassie  Durette - Administrative Assistant
Cassie Durette
Northeastern Regional Association of Coastal Ocean Observing Systems (NERACOOS)
Ocean Systems
Robert J. Feller - Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Robert J. Feller
University of South Carolina
Ocean Systems
Hui  Feng - Visiting Research Scientist
Hui Feng
University of New Hampshire
Ocean Systems
Bryan  Field - High School Educator
Bryan Field
Conant High School
Ocean Systems
Alina  Gainusa-Bogdan - Graduate Student
Alina Gainusa-Bogdan
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Sharon  Gallant - Educator
Sharon Gallant
Gardiner Area High School
Ocean Systems
Peter  Girguis - Assistant Professor of Biology
Peter Girguis
Harvard University
Ocean Systems
Joaquim  Goés - Research Professor
Joaquim Goés
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Ocean Systems
Deb  Goodwin - Graduate Student
Deb Goodwin
University of New Hampshire
Ocean Systems
Sean  Graham - RIA Designer/Developer
Sean Graham
Raytheon WS
Ocean Systems |
Jennifer  Graves - Undergraduate Student
Jennifer Graves
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Kjell  Gundersen - Assistant Research Professor
Kjell Gundersen
University of Southern Mississippi
Ocean Systems
Kari  Heinonen - Graduate Student
Kari Heinonen
University of Connecticut
Ocean Systems
Christy  Herren - Research Associate
Christy Herren
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Mahima  Jaini - Graduate Student
Mahima Jaini
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Phoebe  Jekielek - Marine Education Associate
Phoebe Jekielek
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Carolyn  Jordan - Research Scientist
Carolyn Jordan
University of New Hampshire
Ocean Systems
Peter  Jumars - Director of School of Marine Sciences, Professor
Peter Jumars
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Linda  Kalnejais - Assistant Professor of Oceanography
Linda Kalnejais
University of New Hampshire
Ocean Systems
Lee  Karp-Boss - Associate Professor
Lee Karp-Boss
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Thomas  Keller - Senior Program Officer
Thomas Keller
Board on Science Education, National Academy of Science
Ocean Systems
Robert  Khederian - Assistant Professor
Robert Khederian
New England Institute of Art
Ocean Systems
Susan  Klemmer - High School Educator
Susan Klemmer
Camden Hills Regional High School
Ocean Systems
Randy  Lackovic - Darling Marine Center Librarian
Randy Lackovic
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Carla Jean Lauter - Research Associate
Carla Jean Lauter
Ocean Systems
Kate  Leavitt - Marine Science Program Coordinator
Kate Leavitt
Seacoast Science Center
Ocean Systems
Erin  Macro -
Erin Macro
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Lawrence  Mayer - Agatha B. Darling Professor of Oceanography
Lawrence Mayer
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Marissa  McMahon - Graduate Student
Marissa McMahon
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Louise  McMinn - Science Teacher
Louise McMinn
Scofield Magnet Middle School
Ocean Systems
Scott  Milroy - Assistant Professor
Scott Milroy
University of Southern Mississippi
Ocean Systems
Timothy  Moore - Research Scientist
Timothy Moore
University of New Hampshire
Ocean Systems
J. Ru  Morrison - Executive Director
J. Ru Morrison, Ph.D.
Northeastern Regional Association of Coastal Ocean Observing Systems (NERACOOS)
Ocean Systems
Maria  Nielsdottir - Post-Doc
Maria Nielsdottir
University of Southampton
Ocean Systems
James  O'Donnell - Professor of Marine Sciences
James O'Donnell
University of Connecticut
TEK | Ocean Systems
Artur  Palacz - Graduate Student
Artur Palacz
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Mary Jane  Perry - Professor
Mary Jane Perry
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Andrew  Pershing - Research Scientist, Ecosystem Modeling
Andrew Pershing
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Ocean Systems
Nicholas  Record - Graduate Student
Nicholas Record
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Ocean Systems
J. Theodore  Repa - Evaluator
J. Theodore Repa
Repa & Associates
Ocean Systems
Collin  Roesler - Associate Professor
Collin Roesler
Bowdoin College
Ocean Systems
Joe  Salisbury - Research Assistant Professor
Joe Salisbury
University of New Hampshire
Ocean Systems
Annette  Schloss - Research Scientist
Annette Schloss
University of New Hampshire
Ocean Systems
Fred  Shair - Retired Professor
Fred Shair
Ocean Systems
Nancy  Sills - Middle School Educator
Nancy Sills
Harris County Carver Middle School
Ocean Systems
Anita  Sohus - Informal Education Lead
Anita Sohus
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Ocean Systems
Lisa  Taylor - Research Associate
Lisa Taylor
University of Maine
Ocean Systems | | Web Working Group | Scientist Engagement Working Group | Excellence in Networking Tools Sub-Group | National COSEE Office
Ted  Taylor - High School Science Teacher
Ted Taylor
Bangor High School
Ocean Systems
Joyce  Tugel - Science Specialist
Joyce Tugel
Maine Math & Science Alliance
Ocean Systems
Tracy  Vassiliev - Middle School Educator
Tracy Vassiliev
James F. Doughty School
Ocean Systems
Penny  Vlahos - Assistant Professor
Penny Vlahos
University of Connecticut
TEK | Ocean Systems
Herman  Weller - Retired Professor
Herman Weller
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Michael  Whitney - Assistant Professor of Marine Sciences
Michael Whitney
University of Connecticut
Ocean Systems
Mark  Wiley - Extension Associate Professor/Specialist
Mark Wiley
UNH Cooperative Extension / NH Sea Grant
Ocean Systems
Kristen  Wilson - Graduate Student
Kristen Wilson
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Ashley  Young - Graduate Student
Ashley Young
University of Maine
Ocean Systems
Annette  deCharon - COSEE-OS Director
Annette deCharon
University of Maine
Ocean Systems |

Rita  Bell -
Rita Bell
Monterey Bay Aquarium
California | Ocean Systems
Tina  Bishop - Academic Director
Tina Bishop
College of Exploration
California | West | Coastal Trends | Ocean Systems

Coastal Trends
Tina  Bishop - Academic Director
Tina Bishop
College of Exploration
California | West | Coastal Trends | Ocean Systems
Sean  Graham - RIA Designer/Developer
Sean Graham
Raytheon WS
Ocean Systems |
Lisa  Taylor - Research Associate
Lisa Taylor
University of Maine
Ocean Systems | | Web Working Group | Scientist Engagement Working Group | Excellence in Networking Tools Sub-Group | National COSEE Office
Annette  deCharon - COSEE-OS Director
Annette deCharon
University of Maine
Ocean Systems |

Excellence in Networking Tools Sub-Group
Lisa  Taylor - Research Associate
Lisa Taylor
University of Maine
Ocean Systems | | Web Working Group | Scientist Engagement Working Group | Excellence in Networking Tools Sub-Group | National COSEE Office

Gulf of Mexico
John  Bowie -
John Bowie
Gulf of Mexico Program Office
Gulf of Mexico | Ocean Systems

National COSEE Office
Lisa  Taylor - Research Associate
Lisa Taylor
University of Maine
Ocean Systems | | Web Working Group | Scientist Engagement Working Group | Excellence in Networking Tools Sub-Group | National COSEE Office

Scientist Engagement Working Group
Lisa  Taylor - Research Associate
Lisa Taylor
University of Maine
Ocean Systems | | Web Working Group | Scientist Engagement Working Group | Excellence in Networking Tools Sub-Group | National COSEE Office

James  O'Donnell - Professor of Marine Sciences
James O'Donnell
University of Connecticut
TEK | Ocean Systems
Penny  Vlahos - Assistant Professor
Penny Vlahos
University of Connecticut
TEK | Ocean Systems

Web Working Group
Lisa  Taylor - Research Associate
Lisa Taylor
University of Maine
Ocean Systems | | Web Working Group | Scientist Engagement Working Group | Excellence in Networking Tools Sub-Group | National COSEE Office

Tina  Bishop - Academic Director
Tina Bishop
College of Exploration
California | West | Coastal Trends | Ocean Systems