Center For Ocean Sciences Education Excellence COSEE Ocean Systems
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Strategies for Engaging Scientist Mentors in a Sustained Mentoring Community
Date: 10/18/11 3:00 pm ET - 10/18/11 4:00 pm ET
Location: Online Presentation
Attendance: Faculty, postdocs and graduate students new to mentoring, and scientist liaisons seeking strategies to recruit and retain scientists as mentors to under-represented minorities

Many Learning Pathways in the Ocean Sciences
Fall 2011 Webinar Series

COSEE-OS, the Institute for Broadening Participation and COSEE Ocean Learning Communities are pleased to announce the 2nd half of a pilot webinar series titled Many Learning Pathways in the Ocean Sciences. The series will highlight scientists and mentors making significant contributions in their fields and will be a forum for sharing successful strategies for increasing diversity in the ocean sciences community. The presenters will talk about their science topics as well as their experiences being an under-represented minority in a science field, and/or their experience providing mentorship to under-represented minorities.

Strategies for (Harmoniously) Engaging Scientist Mentors in a Sustained Mentoring Community
Featuring: Sharon Ziegler-Chong and Noelani Puniwai (University of Hawaii at Hilo)

Sharon Ziegler-Chong 
Sharon Ziegler-Chong is passionate about facilitating environmental and education efforts in partnership with communities and our future generations in Hilo, Hawaii, which will always be home for herself and two children. She wears several hats at the University of Hawaii, ranging from coordinating educational initiatives with university, organization, and community partners in Hawaii and the Pacific region, to coordinating cooperative research programs and efforts with university partners. Yet, she has learned most about herself, Hawaii and the Pacific, youth and community through the development of the Pacific Island Initiatives for Exploring Sciences (PIPES), especially her efforts over the last 17 years with undergraduate conservation internship programs that engage more island youth in career exploration and leadership development related to our insular environments. She is trained in general biology and ecology (B.A. and M.S.), several years in aquaculture extension, and is working (very slowly) on her Ph.D. in Leadership Studies.

Noelani Puniwai 
Noelani Puniwai - ‘Ike i ke au nui me ke au iki. Knows the big currents and the little currents. Is very well versed (Olelo No’eau 1209). This proverb signifies that knowledge cannot be claimed if you only understand your small window; true knowledge includes the complete picture. Born and raised in rural Puna on Hawai'i Island, Noe is one of 4 daughters and a mother of 3. Being a mother makes her dedication to conservation and education of our youth a force in her life. Noe is excited to be working at the University of Hawaii at Hilo for PIPES, the Pacific Islands Program for Exploring Science, connecting upcoming students to careers and research and empowering them to take control of our collective future. Noe is academically trained in marine (BA UH Hilo) and environmental science (MSc. WSU) and is working on her PhD in the Natural Resources and Environmental Management program at UH Manoa.

Webinar Archive

Contact Name: Christy Herren
Contact Phone: (831) 601-1501
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