Carrie Thomas
Carrie Thomas ~ Catalyst for Engagement

Dr. Carrie Thomas is Research Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Programs in the Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences of North Carolina State University. Her research interests include:
  • Animal-sediment interactions
  • Early diagenesis of organic matter
  • Isotope geochemistry
  • Fluxes of inorganic materials across the sediment-water interface
Carrie's research takes her from Antarctica, where she studies shifts in food webs, to the Gulf of Mexico, to study Harmful Algal Blooms. While on campus she works extensively with both undergraduate and graduate students, teaching, mentoring and advising.

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Carrie is a Research Specialist with COSEE SouthEast. Addressing the need for diversity in the sciences is an integral part of all of Carrie's work in education and outreach, whether mentoring young women in ocean science, math and physics, or developing a Survey on Diversity in Ocean Sciences Workforce with COSEE SouthEast. Carrie has long been involved in education and outreach activities, and has worked with COSEE SouthEast since its inception in 2003. Originally brought on to survey regional scientists, Carrie has been involved in numerous COSEE SouthEast initiatives and programs.

In addition to COSEE SouthEast, education and outreach projects and activities are a regular part of Carrie's work day, such as helping scientists develop their broader impacts plans for grant proposals. Carrie also participates in a math mentoring group for women in the community, is active in science fair judging, visits classrooms, gives talks, leads activities, and teaches professional development workshops. At North Carolina State she is involved in established programs such as Expanding Your Horizons and Women in Science and Engineering, and works extensively with Science House.

Photographs and images for Carrie's pages provided by COSEE SouthEast, Jan Healy, Carrie Thomas, and the SEW-G production team.