Concept Map Viewer screenshot
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The concept tool is used to add a concept to your Concept Map Builder (CMB) workspace. Once added, you may edit a concept's features.

Concept tool icon
Click on the Concept button to create a concept. Select the shape (circle or square) from the drop-down menu, then double click anywhere in the workspace to insert the concept icon.

To edit a concept, click the concept once to enable three sets of controls and open the editor window.

Click the circled x to delete the concept.

Grab and drag the lower right icon to draw out a new concept. This new concept will be attached to the current concept via a line.

Grab and drag the upper right icon to change the size of the concept.

The editor window contains the following controls:

Font icon
Click on the "A" to edit the font, size, and color of the concept title.

Concept icon
Click on the concept icon to edit the color, opacity, height, and width of the concept.

Line icon
Click on the three lines to edit the concept outline.

Concept description icon
Click on the italicized i to add or edit a concept description.

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