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Sharing Maps from the Concept Map List Menu

Your concept map list contains a list of maps you've created, along with any that have been shared with you by another user.

Map status is shown to the right of the map name. There are two options: Active and Hidden. Active maps are available to the public through the COSEE-OS Ocean Climate Interactive tool. Hidden maps (listed below active maps) are used to keep drafts of the maps you are working on and are not available to the public. You can reset map status by clicking on the down arrow next to Active and selecting Hidden (or vice versa).

To open a map in the Concept Map Builder (CMB) workspace, click on the map name.

To delete a map, click on the trash can located to the left of the map name.

To share your concept map (active or hidden) with other CMB users, click on the envelope icon to the left of the trashcan to open a simple mailing window. Add the user's email address in the To: box (separate multiple email addresses with a comma) and click the SHARE MAP button to send. The user will get an email message with a link that will allow him/her to open this map and save it to their own concept map list.

Shared maps are copied out to the new user, who does not have access to your original map. Note that a concept map must be saved before it can be sent to anyone.

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