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Welcome to the Gallery of Public Maps. These maps have been published by the community of concept map creators who want to share their expertise on a wide variety of ocean and climate topics. Browse the maps below or use the search to find maps relevant to your interests.
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TITLE/INFO (click map title to view map detail page) AUTHOR DATE CREATED white arrow pointing down
Is the Ocean going to Solve our CO2 Problem?
Is the Ocean going to Solve our CO2 Problem?
Original map created by Dr. Elizabeth Sikes (Rutgers Univ.) for the COSEE NOW Faculty-Graduate Student Workshop in May 2011.
Fac Grad Archive COSEE NOW
How do we Explore the Oceans Today? How will our Kids Explore the Ocean Tomorrow?
How do we Explore the Oceans Today? How will our Kids Explore the Ocean Tomorrow?
Original map created by Dr. Oscar Schofield (Rutgers Univ.) and graduate students for the COSEE NOW Faculty-Graduate Student Workshop in May 2011.
Fac Grad Archive COSEE NOW
How do we Explore the Oceans Today? How will our Kids Explore the Ocean Tomorrow?
How do we Explore the Oceans Today? How will our Kids Explore the Ocean Tomorrow?
Original map created by Dr. Oscar Schofield (Rutgers Univ.) for the COSEE NOW Faculty-Graduate Student Workshop in May 2011.
Fac Grad Archive COSEE NOW
How does the Ocean affect Climate?
How does the Ocean affect Climate?
Consensus map created by Dr. Jim Miller (Rutgers Univ.) and graduate students for the COSEE NOW Faculty-Graduate Student Workshop in May 2011.
Fac Grad Archive COSEE NOW
How does the Ocean affect Climate Change?
How does the Ocean affect Climate Change?
Original map created by Dr. Jim Miller (Rutgers Univ.) for the COSEE NOW Faculty-Graduate Student Workshop in May 2011.
Fac Grad Archive COSEE NOW
How does the Ocean Work? (Map 2 of 2)
How does the Ocean Work? (Map 2 of 2)
Consensus map created by Dr. Lee Kerkhof (Rutgers Univ.) and graduate students for the COSEE NOW Faculty-Graduate Student Workshop in May 2011.
Fac Grad Archive COSEE NOW
How Does the Ocean Work? (Map 1 of 2)
How Does the Ocean Work? (Map 1 of 2)
Consensus map created by Dr. Lee Kerkhof (Rutgers Univ.) and graduate students for the COSEE NOW Faculty-Graduate Student Workshop in May 2011.
Fac Grad Archive COSEE NOW
Is the Ocean the Same Everywhere?
Is the Ocean the Same Everywhere?
Original map created by Dr. Lee Kerkhof (Rutgers Univ.) for the COSEE NOW Faculty-Graduate Student Workshop in May 2011.
Fac Grad Archive COSEE NOW
How do we make Fuel while Helping Stop Climate Change and Protecting our Crop Resources?
How do we make Fuel while Helping Stop Climate Change and Protecting our Crop Resources?
Consensus map created by Dr. Debashish Bhattacharya (Rutgers Univ.) and graduate students for the COSEE NOW Faculty-Graduate Student Workshop in May 2011.
Fac Grad Archive COSEE NOW
How do we make Fuel while Helping Stop Climate Change and Protecting our Crop Resources?
How do we make Fuel while Helping Stop Climate Change and Protecting our Crop Resources?
Original map created by Dr. Debashish Bhattacharya (Rutgers Univ.) for the COSEE NOW Faculty-Graduate Student Workshop in May 2011.
Fac Grad Archive COSEE NOW
How do Scientists Study the Past to Predict the Future?
How do Scientists Study the Past to Predict the Future?
Map created by Dr. Arahdna Tripani and graduate students at the 2011 Faculty-Graduate Student workshop held at COSEE West (University of Southern California).
COSEE West Faculty-Graduate Student workshop
How do Scientists Study the Past to Predict the Future?
How do Scientists Study the Past to Predict the Future?
Map created by Dr. Arahdna Tripani and graduate students at the 2011 Faculty-Graduate Student workshop held at COSEE West (University of Southern California).
COSEE West Workshop Archive
How are Past Climates Recorded and Decoded by Scientists?
How are Past Climates Recorded and Decoded by Scientists?
Map created by Dr. Aradha Tripani at the April 2011 Faculty-Graduate Student workshop held at COSEE West (University of Southern California).
COSEE West Faculty-Graduate Student workshop
How are Past Climates Recorded and Decoded by Scientists?
How are Past Climates Recorded and Decoded by Scientists?
Map created by Dr. Aradha Tripani at the April 2011 Faculty-Graduate Student workshop held at COSEE West (University of Southern California).
COSEE West Workshop Archive
What Role do Phytoplankton Play in Carbon Cycling?
What Role do Phytoplankton Play in Carbon Cycling?
Map created by Dr. Sergio Wilhelmy and graduate students at the April 2011 Faculty-Graduate Student workshop held at COSEE West (University of Southern California).
COSEE West Workshop Archive
What Role do Phytoplankton Play in Carbon Cycling? What Trace Metals / Vitamins play a Key Role in this Process?
What Role do Phytoplankton Play in Carbon Cycling? What Trace Metals / Vitamins play a Key Role in this Process?
Map created by Dr. Sergio Wilhelmy at the April 2011 Faculty-Graduate Student workshop held at COSEE West (University of Southern California).
COSEE West Workshop Archive
Are Shark Populations Declining? What Can we do About It?
Are Shark Populations Declining? What Can we do About It?
Map created by Dr. Chris Lowe and graduate students at the April 2011 Faculty-Graduate Student workshop held at COSEE West (University of Southern California).
COSEE West Workshop Archive
How are Scientists and Resource Managers Working Together to Address Shark Decline and World Shark Populations?
How are Scientists and Resource Managers Working Together to Address Shark Decline and World Shark Populations?
Map created by Dr. Chris Lowe at the April 2011 Faculty-Graduate Student workshop held at COSEE West (University of Southern California).
COSEE West Workshop Archive
What do Microbes do for the Ocean? (And the World?)
What do Microbes do for the Ocean? (And the World?)
Map created by Dr. Jed Fuhrman at the April 2011 Faculty-Graduate Student workshop held at COSEE West (University of Southern California).
COSEE West Workshop Archive
What do Microbes do for the Ocean? (And the World?)
What do Microbes do for the Ocean? (And the World?)
Map created by Dr. Jed Fuhrman and graduate students at the April 2011 Faculty-Graduate Student workshop held at COSEE West (University of Southern California).
COSEE West Workshop Archive
How do Humans affect Estuaries?
How do Humans affect Estuaries?
Map created by Dr. Peggy Fong and graduate students at the April 2011 Faculty-Graduate Student workshop held at COSEE West (University of Southern California).
COSEE West Workshop Archive
How do Humans affect Ecosystem Function and Services in Estuaries?
How do Humans affect Ecosystem Function and Services in Estuaries?
Created by Dr. Peggy Fong for the April 2011 COSEE West Faculty-Graduate Student workshop at the University of Southern California.
COSEE West Workshop Archive
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: What was the Role of Microbes?
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: What was the Role of Microbes?
Concept map presented by Drs. Karen Orcutt and Kjell Gundersen during their March 2011 webinar. It focused on the role of microbes in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. They provided specific description of the chemical interaction between microbes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and went into depth about the processes of the "biological pump."
Role Model Webinar
How do Lobsters Survive in the Gulf of Maine from Hatch to Catch?
How do Lobsters Survive in the Gulf of Maine from Hatch to Catch?
Concept map presented by Dr. Rick Wahle during his February 2011 webinar. His map provides a wealth of information about the life cycle of American lobsters (Homeras americanus); their settlement process and the predation, environmental, and disease factors affecting their survival and recruitment to later life stages.
Role Model Webinar
How can a coastal ocean circulation model help fishermen in dangerous winter conditions?
How can a coastal ocean circulation model help fishermen in dangerous winter conditions?
Map created by COSEE-Ocean Systems staff (Dec 2010) with the guidance of Prof. Bob Beardsly (WHOI; ocean circulation modeler) and his modeling colleagues Changsheng Chen and Hdeong Liu at UMass Dartmouth. Map content pulled from a magazine article (Soundings, April 2009), and discussions with Prof. Beardsley about modeling.
Christy Herren

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