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How Do Scientists Use Models to Study Ocean Salinity?
Computer models are used by scientists to make predictions about certain oceanographic processes. For the SPURS cruise, oceanographers use these models to observe salinity changes along the cruise track and they also use them as a forecast, much like weather forecasts, to know exactly where certain water features will occur (for instance, predicting the location of an eddy they want to locate). The models are powered with years of collected data, that allow scientists to make comparisons over time and gives them the ability to track changes in ocean events.

Featured Video: Forecasts and Nowcasts
Dr. Fred Bingham discusses how SPURS data are used in models to produce forecasts and nowcasts [view transcript]
How the Source Affects the Sink
Dr. Lisan Yu
[vimeo, 04:11]
Near Real Estimates of Fluxes
Dr. Lisan Yu
[vimeo, 01:46]
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