Rick Keil ~ Citizens' Scientist


Citizen Science workshop attendees share viewpoints
Engaging science and scientists together with Education and Outreach (E&O) has outcomes - some of them planned, some hoped for, some surprising. Whether suddenly getting attention from a large group of citizens from across a watershed region, having a deep impact on a select group of urban teenagers, giving undergrads the hands-on experience of a research cruise, or infusing data into curriculum - each of these efforts involves participants who have a viewpoint on the experience of engaging in E&O.

Dr. Rick Keil's activities and achievements in E&O have opened up new avenues and have influenced those around him. In the following pages some of Rick's COSEE colleagues, fellow UW faculty members, university administrators and graduate students have contributed their Viewpoints on Rick's work as well as on their own. Those whose comments you will encounter as you explore the Viewpoints pages are:

Russ McDuff
Russ McDuff, Ph.D., Professor/Director, UW School of Oceanography
The recipe for success on the tenure track (featured in Balancing Efforts and Rewards)
Miles Logsten
Miles Logsdon, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, UW School of Oceanography
How an educator engages researchers (featured in Balancing Efforts and Rewards and Institutional Support)
Cheryl Greengrove
Cheryl Greengrove, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geosciences, UW Tacoma
Curriculum supports interaction with the community (featured in Institutional Support)
Tansy Clark
Tansy Clay, Ph.D., UW School of Oceanography
A success story combining education with science (featured in Institutional Support)
Daniel Grünbaum
Daniel Grünbaum, Ph.D., Associate Professor, UW School of Oceanography
Motivations to do outreach and research are intertwined (featured in Balancing Efforts and Rewards)
Déana Scipio
Déana Scipio, Graduate Student, UW College of Education
What makes Rick a season ticketholder (featured in Engaging Students)
Jonathan Kellogg Colleen Kellogg
Jonathan and Colleen Kellogg, Graduate Students, UW School of Oceanography
What engages grad students in doing outreach (featured in Balancing Efforts and Rewards and Engaging Students)

Connecting to Viewpoints from Additional Featured Scientists
