Center For Ocean Sciences Education Excellence COSEE Ocean Systems
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Broadening Participation in Ocean Sciences

COSEE-OS,The Institute for Broadening Participation and COSEE-Ocean Learning Communities have been working together to find innovative ways to reach underrepresented audiences in ocean science, as well as to continually encourage underrepresented students to become part of the pipeline of new ocean scientists entering the workforce. The sections below highlight some of the research, presentations,and personal experiences of scientists within several main conceptual areas. Within each content area there are also resources that support the most current research in the areas of broadening participation, and each video "clip" is an excerpt from one of the Many Learning Pathways in Ocean Sciences webinars and includes a link that will allow you to view the entire webinar.

The Importance of Mentors

Many scientists involved in broadening participation in the ocean sciences have pointed to mentoring as a key strategy for engaging underrepresented students, and several of our webinars touched on mentoring strategies and reflected upon their own experience as a mentor or mentee.

Importance of Undergraduate Mentors
Creating a Personal Connection
Recognizing Challenges

Christina De la Rocha, (Watch the entire webinar)
Lonnie Gonsalves, (Watch the entire webinar)
Brian Bingham, (Watch the entire webinar)
Importance of Mentors: Related Resources
Stages of Intern Development and Advising Strategies (PIPES Program, University of Hawaii at Hilo) (PDF)
An outline of strategies for successful internships for both the mentor and mentee.
Internship Opportunities in Ocean Sciences (website)
A collection of internship listings for high school, undergraduate, graduate and post-doc students that are underrepresented in ocean science.
Another resource

Social Support in Science

Emerging research has shown that beyond individual efforts to succeed in science careers, students often need a broad network of support to continue on their career paths.

Pointing Out Strengths
Science is a Social Endeavor
Cohort Bonding

Brian Bingham, (Watch the entire webinar)
Christina De la Rocha, (Watch the entire webinar)
Noelani Puniwai (Watch the entire webinar)
Social Support: Related Resources
Science Identity: Women of Color (Carlone & Johnson, 2007) (PDF)
This paper puts forth a model that explains some of the challenges that women of color face when attempting to create a "science identity" and includes discussion of the lack of recognition of accomplishments.
Recruiting Minorities into Biosciences (Baker, 2000) (PDF)
Highlights strategies for recruiting minorities into the biological sciences, with an emphasis on the need for social support.
Link to a third, even more interesting resource