Graduate students
Graduate students practice inquiry-based lessons at a COSEE-OS workshop
Graduate students are a key component of the education pipeline, and an important audience for COSEE-OS. Through collaboration, research and pilot programs, COSEE-OS has been able to engage and interact with graduate students from a variety of disciplines to help them reach their goals.

Through these interactions, COSEE-OS has:
  • Supported College of Education Masters and Doctoral students through assistantships and by funding pilot workshops
  • Funded Masters students in the School of Marine Sciences in their science and policy thesis work
  • Piloted innovative workshops tailored to graduate students and their unique professional development needs
  • Coordinated graduate students' interactions with middle and high school students through workshops, classroom visits, and field trips
  • Facilitated the design and delivery of curricular materials including hands-on activities, concept maps, and data sets
  • Offered college-level courses in teaching sciences by ocean inquiry at the University of Maine and the University of New Hampshire
  • Sponsored seminar speaker Dr. Jeffrey St. John, Director of the University of Maine Center for Excellence in Teaching & Assessment
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