Center For Ocean Sciences Education Excellence COSEE Ocean Systems
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The GEOTRACES webinar series supports the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), specifically student performance expectations under "Earth’s Systems.” In addition, real-world science exploration by GEOTRACES scientists can help students better understand and appreciate the Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts upon which the NGSS are based.

The matrix below will provide handy links to archived webinar content, categorized by NGSS Student Performance Expectations and Practices.

NGSS Student Performance Expectations
Middle SchoolDevelop a model to describe the cycling of Earth’s materials and the flow of energy that drives this process.GEOTRACES Overview
Nutrients in the Open Ocean
Develop a model to describe the cycling of water through Earth’s systems driven by energy from the sun and the force of gravity.Oxygen Minimum Zones
Hydrothermal Vents & Megaplumes
High SchoolAnalyze geoscience data to make the claim that one change to Earth’s surface can create feedbacks that cause changes to other Earth systems.GEOTRACES Overview
Nutrients in the Open Ocean
Oxygen Minimum Zones
Develop a model based on evidence of Earth’s interior to describe the cycling of matter by thermal convection.Hydrothermal Vents & Megaplumes
Plan and conduct an investigation of the properties of water and its effects on Earth materials and surface properties.GEOTRACES Overview
Nutrients in the Open Ocean
Oxygen Minimum Zones
Hydrothermal Vents & Megaplumes

Science and Engineering Practices
Planning and carrying out investigationsGEOTRACES Overview
Engaging in argument from evidence Nutrients in the Open Ocean
Oxygen Minimum Zones
Analyzing and interpreting dataGEOTRACES Overview
Nutrients in the Open Ocean
Hydrothermal Vents & Megaplumes

Crosscutting Concepts
Middle SchoolPatterns - Patterns can be used to identify cause and effect relationships.Micronutrient Transport
Hydrothermal Vents & Megaplumes
Systems and Systems Models - Systems may interact with other systems; they may have sub-systems and be part of larger systems.Open Ocean Micronutrients
Fertilization of the Ocean
Oxygen Minimum Zones
Hydrothermal Vents & Megaplumes
Stability and Change - Stability might be disturbed either by sudden events or gradual changes that accumulate over time.Distribution of Trace Metals
Hydrothermal Vents & Megaplumes
High SchoolPatterns - Different patterns may be observed at each of the scales at which a system is studied and can provide evidence for causality in explanations of phenomena.Micronutrient Transport
Hydrothermal Vents & Megaplumes
Systems and Systems Models - When investigating or describing a system, the boundaries and initial conditions of the system need to be defined and their inputs and outputs analyzed and described using models.Open Ocean Micronutrients
Fertilization of the Ocean
Oxygen Minimum Zones
Stability and Change - Change and rates of change can be quantified and modeled over very short or very long periods of time. Some system changes are irreversible.Distribution of Trace Metals
Hydrothermal Vents & Megaplumes