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How Does Turbulence Shift Advantage for the Tiniest Ocean Creatures?
Presented by Dr. Peter Jumars - February 6, 2013

In the third and final installment of the Turbulence Webinar Series, Dr. Peter Jumars takes us to the world of organisms smaller even than the zooplankton mentioned in Dr.Jeannette Yen’s discussion of copepods and the cosmos. In this webinar, we learn what an osmotroph is and what they have in common with something familiar to all of us: our gut! Through the use of beautifully rendered video simulations, Dr. Jumars demonstrates to viewers how turbulence shifts advantage for the tiniest primary producers of the sea: diatoms and dinoflagellates. A mix of biology and physics, this webinar will bring you into the turbulent ocean world.

Webinar Archive

You can watch a video of the webinar below. Below the video is Dr. Jumar's interactive concept map so that you may follow along with the presentation.

Concept Map

This webinar features a map created by Dr. Junar entitled, "How Does Turbulence Shift Advantage?". You can explore this map in the window below, or save it to your own CLIMB account by clicking on the light blue wrench in the upper left corner and selecting Copy Map to My Maps.

About the Presenter

Peter Jumars 
Dr. Peter Jumars
University of Maine
Dr. Peter Jumars received his Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from Scripps Institution of Oceanography in 1974. He strives to identify quantitative physical, chemical and geological constraints that can be measured or calculated in order to bound the rates of processes in which marine organisms participate.

This webinar series was supported by the National Science Foundation grant #OCE-0724744 “CMG Collaborative Research:  Interactions of Phytoplankton with Dissipative Vortices.” PI: P. Jumars, Co-PI Karp-Boss.