Roll your mouse over this image and the italicized links in the text at left to see what will happen when you use or click on these features in the actual CMB.
Editing Objects

To change the appearance of an existing object in the Concept Map Builder (CMB), hold down the shift key and left click on the desired object. A menu will pop up with a number of options including: UNSNAP (if the selected object was snapped), CHANGE, DUPLICATE, and X DELETE.

On the CMB, click on the CHANGE button to open an editor window. At right, roll over the term "CHANGE" to view the phrase editor for our phrase "emits light & heat energy". When finished with your edits, click the COMPLETE button in the lower right portion of the phrase editor (click CLOSE to abandon any edits).

To create a new object using the same attributes as an existing object, select DUPLICATE.

To delete an object on the CMB, click on the X DELETE button.

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