Center For Ocean Sciences Education Excellence COSEE Ocean Systems
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Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates

The Institute for Broadening Participation (IBP) and COSEE-OS developed this webinar series with the goal of sharing the basics of how undergraduates can seek and apply for summer research experiences. Presenters from IBP guide participants through a concept map highlighting a variety of information and tips that can help students to get started on or enhance their applications. Veterans of paid summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) and NASA summer internships provide first-hand insights into their recent research opportunities. 

The interactive concept map presented in each webinar includes resources that are available to participants – specifically collected in the concept map for easy access. To view this map full size, click on the wrench icon in the upper left hand corner, and select, "Open Full Map Viewer."

Webinar Archives
George E. Gorospe Jr. 

November 2012 - Summer Research for Undergraduates
Presented by: The Institute for Broadening Participation
Featured Panelist: George E. Gorospe Jr., NASA Research Engineer

Ashton Cook 

November 2013 - Summer Research for Undergraduates
Presented by: The Institute for Broadening Participation
Featured Panelist: Ashton Robinson Cook, NOAA NWS Storm Prediction Center

Dr. Yolanda Trevino 

November 2014 - Summer Research for Undergraduates
Presented by: The Institute for Broadening Participation
Featured Panelist: Dr. Yolanda Trevino, University of Indiana Graduate School

Nelson ZounlomeDr. Yolanda Trevino 

January 2015 - Summer Research for Undergraduates
Presented by: The Institute for Broadening Participation
Featured Panelists: Nelson Zounlome, student at University of Indiana, Bloomington and Dr. Yolanda Trevino, University of Indiana Graduate School

Resources from this Webinar
  • Pathways to Science: Use this website to find programs such as undergraduate summer research opportunities, graduate fellowships, postdoctoral positions, as well as resources and materials pertaining to recruitment, retention, and mentoring. 
  • What You Need To Know: The Difference Between the Grad and Undergrad Experience (pdf) - This one page resource helps answer the most commonly asked question, “What’s different about graduate school, and what should I expect?”
  • Graduate Application Timeline (pdf) - A resource created by the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), this timeline includes a timeline and checklist for the application process.
  • Minorities Striving and Pursuing Higher Degrees of Success (MS PHD’S) is a professional development program in the earth system sciences for undergraduate and graduate students, developed by and for underrepresented minorities. It involves three phases of activities and provides support for a variety of professional development activities, a virtual support network of mentors and students and a small fellowship at the completion at the program.

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