Scientist-Educator Collaborative Workshop
How Does Landscape Affect the Ecology of Coastal Waters?
Held at the New England Center on the University of New Hampshire Campus
Friday, March 13, 2009 through Saturday, March 14, 2009
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Original concept map created by Linda Kalnejais
Digital concept map created in the COSEE Concept Map Builder
Consensus concept map created using the COSEE-OS Concept Map Builder
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About this Workshop:
For this workshop, 12 educators from the New England area were matched with ocean and climate scientists from the University of New Hampshire to improve their collective understanding of Earth's major ocean - climate systems. [more]

About this Scientist:
Linda Kalnejais is a chemical oceanographer who is interested in what happens to pollutants in the coastal ocean. She tests if pollutants - especially toxic metals - are permanently trapped in muds and sediments, or are re-released back into the water column. [more]
Click Images to Learn More About the Educators
Who Worked on this Concept Map
Marjorie Inderbitzen
Linda McIntosh
Gary Nielsen
Linda Kalnejais
Scientist Linda Kalnejais explains the concept map and its development:

Since I study what happens to pollutants in the coastal ocean, my maps focused on how the landscape impacts coastal waters, particularly in term of the ecological system. In my initial map, I addressed how climate affects rainfall and groundwater and, by interacting with the landscape, can carry particulates into the estuary and, eventually, coastal waters. These particulates -- which include nutrients, pollution, organic matter and other particles -- can have both good and bad impacts: e.g., the right amount of nutrients can support healthy ecosystem growth but an overabundance of nutrients can lead to "dead zones."

After working with the educators, we reconstructed our map to delineate "Human Impact" from the "Natural Landscape." Both of these contribute to organic and inorganic particles in water; however, our group map is designed to clearly separate "harmful" from "not harmful" impacts. In addition, our group map shows that streams and groundwater not only contribute to estuaries and rivers, but also the "Local Water Supply" which directly impacts people.
View All Concept Maps Created at this Workshop
Concept map